#usanaunited #ignited #usana14

You can almost see the excitement, adrenaline and anticipation pulsing through everyone’s veins in the buildup to the 2014 USANA International Convention, so when Wednesday came around, it was full steam ahead!!6

DAY 1: Wednesday marks the first day of #usana14 including registration, nabbing store merchandise, home office tours, group photos and the first of the breakout training sessions.

Next up USANAFest – Beach themed, of course! We all threw on our beach wear and hit the dance floor for an epic night of corporate entertainment and music complete with glow sticks and Dave Wentz himself singing!

DAY 2: The next day was kicked off by a mad rush to secure enough seats for the record number of attendees from New Zealand and Australia. With one section of the Energy Solutions Arena draped proudly in ANZ flags, we could sit back as 8000 people flooded through the stands – Wow4

Complete with the grand opening and recognition, the morning show also had a unique focus on the USANA True Health Foundation. Attendees were reminded of why we donate to this great cause, and are given the option to donate on mass right then and there – What a moving moment it was when more and more phones lit up to represent each individual donation going through. This was followed by the launch of Dave Wentz’s very first children’s book.

LUNCH for the Pacific region consisted of a star filled recognition hour for new silvers and above. Denis Waitley, Jordan Kemper and Dan Macuga joined us and spoke alongside Geoff Watt and David Mulham. Recognizing our newest rank advancers was a highlight for me, as these are the associates that are growing their USANA businesses and who truly are living the #USANAlifestyle!

DAY 3: Another fun filled show greeted us in the morning including an excellent presentation from our 10-star Diamond Directors Bill & Jenny Huang. The larger than life and hugely impressive Tony Robbins then graced us with his presence 1for 90 minutes of intense success training – It was evident that he had us all eating out of the palm of his hands within just minutes of him stepping out on stage.

Those who attended the Executive lunch     were offered exclusive time with Tony Robbins alog with a nutritious Sanoviv lunch.

The afternoon session had NZ written all over it, with our very own Mike Allsop parasailing from the ceiling to share his story, and Dr Libby Weaver speaking on cell health and supplementation.

That evening we all got glammed up for the very first awards evening extravaganza complete with red carpet and entertainment. Oh what a night!

DAY 4: The final day of convention kicked off to a fast paced start with the annual 5k 2Champions for Change fun run. Everyone dressed up as super heros and one of our very own associates Sunday Tsoi was ranked as the top individual fundraiser for the event at $6029!

The afternoon comprised of testimonials, entertainment and top speakers such as Dr Mehmet Oz and Denis Waitley. Wow – What a star studded finale to an outstanding #USANA14 Convention!!

Then, if you thought it couldn’t get any better, all 8000 guests were asked to put on their USANA UNITED t shirt and the arena erupted in cheers of blue. A truly memorable way to cap off the week!

Until next year – Let’s unite and get ignited!!

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