The post 10 Tips for Giving Up Alcohol for a Month appeared first on Usana Health Sciences Organization.
]]>A soda and lime looks pretty much identical to a vodka and lime. Otherwise you could opt for a mocktail, or even a sparkling water. If you’ve got a drink in your hand, people won’t even notice it’s not alcohol and you can avoid the dreaded questions into how you could possibly even think of not being intoxicated tonight. It can also just be nice to have something to do with your hands. A security blanket if you will.
If you like having a glass of wine or a chilled beer after work to unwind, try replacing it with a calming herbal tea. For an energy boost, try a refreshing and natural lemon-tea flavour Rev3 Surge or other non-alcoholic drink.
Pretty simple, no one questions why the sober driver isn’t drinking. Plus, there are other perks! When the conversation starts going downhill with your not-so-sober friends, you can leave whenever you like. Plus, you could be a great mate and offer your friends a ride when you’re leaving. It’d probably help win their support for your sober month!
Would you bake cookies if you’re cutting out sugar? Don’t keep alcohol in your house if possible, as it’s much more likely you’ll be tempted if it’s right in front of you!
You might also want to skip out on events where you know there’ll be a lot of drinking. Obviously there are occasions when you need to go, but you’ll be forgiven for missing a night on the town!
Drinking doesn’t go hand in hand with being anti-social. There are tonnes of fun things you can get a group together for, like winter surfing, movie nights, BBQs, and you could even offer to catch up for a coffee instead of a drink at the bar.
Source: Men’s Fitness
Get the endorphins pumping by hitting the gym! Take advantage of having more energy and a good mood in the morning to take your fitness to the next level. Plus, it’ll be extra quiet on weekend mornings, so you can have a peaceful workout!
Physically see how much money you’re saving by starting a money jar. Alternatively, you could just leave the savings in your bank account, but let’s face it, that’s not as fun. At the end of your drought, reward yourself with a treat like a massage. It’ll feel so much better than unconsciously spending hundreds on booze.
You’re probably getting a better sleep already, but reading could help you nod off easier and give your eyes a break from staring at a screen. It’s also something to keep you entertained if you’re missing out on a big night out.
If you have a weak moment and slip up, don’t give up! The next day you can continue your Dry July journey and all is well again.
Source: Simply Beautiful Life
Think about why you started in the first place. Consuming less calories? More energy? Getting more active? Testing your willpower? There are many benefits involved with having an alcohol detox month, you can check out more in our 8 Benefits of Taking a Break from Drinking article!
Happy Dry July!
If you think you need support with your drinking, check out how the New Zealand Alcohol Drug Line can help.
Written by Monique Sparks
Marketing Assistant | USANA New Zealand
The post 10 Tips for Giving Up Alcohol for a Month appeared first on Usana Health Sciences Organization.
]]>The post Post New Year Detox appeared first on Usana Health Sciences Organization.
]]>Flush the toxins out of your system! Drinking water can help your liver with:
Digestion and absorption of nutrients.
The removal of waste, which reduces the build-up of toxins.
Thinning the blood so that it’s easier for your liver to filter.
Your body is designed to naturally heal itself and get rid of toxins. Exercise can help this natural process along and make sure your body is running at its best! It increases blood flow which then allows nutrients to be circulated around the body. It also helps circulate lymph fluids which remove toxins. You can also get rid of toxins through your pores while you sweat!
Drinking can be rough on your liver, that’s why you need to give it some extra lovin’. Your liver has an important role in your body! Supporting your liver, HepaPlus helps the body’s normal metabolism of nutrients, helps the detoxification process and much more. It is formulated with USANA InCelligence, a unique blend of antioxidants and other ingredients to help support long-term healthy liver function. It enhances the livers natural protective detoxification processes with green-tea extract, milk thistle extract, broccoli concentrate and USANA’s patented Olivol olive-fruit extract.
I hope you had a terrific Christmas and New Year, and that these tips can help you out if you partied a little too hard!
Vitamin supplements should not replace a balanced diet. Use only as directed. Always read the label.
Written by Monique Sparks
The post Post New Year Detox appeared first on Usana Health Sciences Organization.